Internet of Tomohiro
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Article about Google Colaboratory
You can use Nim language on Google Colaboratory by using Nim4Colab extension.
Copy and paste following code to a cell on Google Colaboratory and run. This code download, install and load Nim4Colab extension.
!pip install git+ %load_ext nim4colab
Then, you can run Nim code by writing your code under %%nimc.
%%nimc echo NimVersion
Make animation PNG using EGL & OpenGL
Nim prints error messages with line numbers. This is how to show line numbers on editor so that you can find a line that cause the error. In menu, click "Tools" -> "Preferences..." and check "Show line numbers".
Nim4Colab downloads and installs latest Nim from Nim nightlies when first time one of Nim4Colab command is called. User code is saved to ~/code.nim file and nim command is called.
If you want to use Nim on Google Colaboratory's virtual machine via SSH or VNC:
How to access Google Colaboratory using ssh
How to run OpenGL desktop programs on Google Colaboratory
by Tomohiro